Documents for registration – LLC
Documents for registration of Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- The founder’s (founders’) resolution signed to establish the entity to become a legal person and approve Charter;
- Charter approved by the founder(s) of the entity to become a legal person or by the authorized agent (2 copies);
- If the founder is a foreign legal person, the notary-certified copy of documents to confirm the foreign registration of this legal person: a certificate of registration (registry extract) or Charter.
- Any legal documentation of the company under the Legislation of the country;
- If the founder is a foreign or no-citizenship person, a properly legalized document to confirm his/her economic activity in any country;
- The document to confirm the address of the entity to be a legal person;
- Power of attorney issued to the representative person for the registration of LLC.
- A document to confirm paying the charter capital in case of establishing a limited liability company, joint-stock company, bank or an insurance company (bank receipt, real-estate mortgage, etc.);
All documents except the CIS countries and Turkey must be apostled.
When notarization of documents (decision and power of attorney), the notary has to verify the authorities and make an appropriate note.